Thursday, November 28, 2019

Elizabethan Theater Essay Example

Elizabethan Theater Paper The Elizabethan Theater opened up the world of writing with great writers like William Shakespeare and gave them a better chance in the world by giving them high class jobs, while still letting everyone, upper or lower class, come and enjoy the play. During this time period, there were two types of theatrical performances that were available for the peoples viewing, comedies or tragedies. These two genres w ere never really intertwined until the time of William Shakespeare. They were often called Tara comedies which, Usually have improbable and complex plots; characters of high social class; c entrants between villainy and virtue; love of different kinds at their centre; a hero who is saved a t the last minute after a touching go experience; surprises and treachery. (No Sweat Shapes rare) The Merchant of Venice can be seen as a tragicomedy. It has a comic structure but one of the central characters, Shylock, looks very much like a tragic character. The play has a co med ending with the lovers pairing off but we are left with taste in the mouth of the ordeal of S hollyhock, destroyed by a combination of his own faults and the persecution of the lovers who ere y that happy ending. The feeling at the end of the play is neither joy nor misery. The plan) as a decidedly comic structure but there is also a powerful tragic story. It can therefore be Lied a Sweat Shakespeare) It opened the world of literature to whole new genre. It was also during Shakespearean time that writers were finally acknowledge by the people. We will write a custom essay sample on Elizabethan Theater specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Elizabethan Theater specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Elizabethan Theater specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Before this time, writers were not considered upperclassmen. Shasta pear was not the only famous playwright. Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Decker, John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont. Had Marlowe not been stabbed in a tavern brawl, says Anthony urges, he might have rivaled Shakespeare himself for his poetic gifts. (Wisped) Writers v re given a bigger chance in the world which gave more opportunities for them to expo. S themselves through writing. Actors were another group of people rising into a higher social because of theater. As expressed by Shakespeare Globe, The life of an actor changed aromatically during Shakespearean lifetime. At first actors toured in companies, traveling the cool try to perform in towns and cities and in private homes. By the time Shakespeare died, London( had several armament theatres where the actors performed, drawing in huge audience (Shakespearean Globe) Actresses were not present in plays at this time because women we not allowed on stage. It was considered unladylike to be a female actor. Men played all the arts. The theater finally got the recognition it deserved. The theaters that the plays were performed in were open to the public hi( encouraged all people to come and watch. The theaters the plays were performed in we great for people who sat in the back because the stage was lit well. The theaters that actors reformed in were flosses so that the sun could be used as lighting. Theatrical shows were he in the afternoon because it provided the best amount of light for the show. (Play Shakeups e) When the people gathered into the theater, the different classes Of people were separate De by where they could afford to sit and watch the show. The lower clansmen were situated on t he bare earth where it was dirty and smelly because it was never cleaned. The owners of the theta errs found it less expensive if they did not keep high maintenance of their establishments. High ere clansmen sat ender a roof and for a penny more, they could buy cushions for their seats. T here was tons of space too, By 1600 London theatres, like the Globe, could take up to 3000 pee people for the most popular plays (Shakespearean Globe) Everyone could see the plays from the peasants, knob less, to even king and queens if they wished. A time when the foundation of the entertainment industry built, Elizabethan t heater progressed from the Elizabethan Era. Writers and actors both rose into higher society. Writers Were acknowledged for their works and actors for their ability to entertain.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How A Larger Role in Today’s Church Is Helping Young Women Essays

How A Larger Role in Today’s Church Is Helping Young Women Essays How A Larger Role in Today’s Church Is Helping Young Women Essay How A Larger Role in Today’s Church Is Helping Young Women Essay Even in today’s 21st century, there is a debate on the role that women should play in the American Christian church.   Some believe that women should be relegated the traditional background roles that they’ve been subjected to in the past.   Others say that women should play more active roles, especially in regards to church leadership.   Despite the controversy over this issue, one must admit that the women’s liberation movement in America has had a profound impact on how women have advance in today’s contemporary American church. As American society began to make gradual steps like granting women the right to vote in Wyoming in 1890 and passing the 19th Amendment, which allowed all American citizens the right to vote, the church, which played an instrumental role in the development of our country, also began to make changes on the behalf of women.   In 1968 when affirmative action was passed, barring discrimination based on sexual orientation, many church leaders also began to ease the restrictions on women as it relates to accepting their ministerial credentials. After the late 1960s, women have made more strides towards gender equality in the church and in the American workplace.   In fact, thousands of women have accepted the call to minister in their churches and several women televangelists have taken their mega ministries to millions of people through television and the internet.   Nevertheless, female ministers continue face resistance from older denominations like the Baptists and some Pentecostal churches.   Other ministers preach small minded sermons that focuses on limiting women’s choices in the type of make up, hairstyles and clothing that they can wear.   This, in turn, discourages younger women from developing their spiritual lives.   As women have become liberated socially and economically, the church must minister to their needs.   Thus, as women continue to rise to leadership positions in the church, the Christian community will become more effective in ministering to the need of today’s young Americ an women. Some church leaders argue that allowing females to have a greater role in American churches would cause confusion and undermine the Christian concept of male leadership.   These leaders focus on verses from biblical scripture which include Ephesians 5:22-23, â€Å"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.   For the husband is the head of the wife, as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.†Ã‚   (The Holy Bible 1665) These leaders justify promoting a passive image of how women should behave in the church.   This passive image certainly does not include permitting them to take a leadership role like teaching or preaching to a congregation.     Furthermore, those who argue against female leadership also use scriptures like 1Corinthians 14:34 which states, â€Å"Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law says.†Ã‚   (The Holy Bible 1636) Accord ing to Christian freelance writer Nathaniel L. Williams, this scripture does not forbid female Christian leadership in the 20th or 21st Century. Some of the things that Paul wrote (such as a similarly misinterpreted verse in 1 Corinthians 14 about women keeping silent) were written in the interest of keeping peace in newly formed Christian churches, as Jewish traditions were being reinterpreted in light of the Gospel.   These verses were also based on cultural norms of propriety at the time that the letter was written. (Williams 25) Other church leaders oppose the idea of women taking a greater role in churches because they feel that women do not possess the mental fortitude to lead or minister to a congregation.   Those who subscribe to this philosophy cite that women are by nature emotional creatures and it takes a rational mind to properly lead a congregation.   However, women from Wesleyan churches in the late 19th Century began to defy these stereotypes by preaching powerful evangelistic sermons.   Methodist Bishop James M. Mobun attributed Amanda Smith’s powerful evangelistic preaching to â€Å"that invisible something that we are accustomed to call power and never possessed by any Christian believer except as one of the fruits of the indwelling Spirit of God.†Ã‚   (Stanley 73) Thus, preachers like Amanda Smith had mentally strong to defy church leadership and follow their personal convictions. Preachers like Amanda Smith had to be courageous to follow beliefs because they were confronted by principalities and powers that are pervasive Christian institutions and traditions as well as their cultural generation.   These types of women were truly courageous because they came against the authorities of their day. (Stanley 71) Phoebe, who was mentioned in the book of Romans by Apostle Paul, was also a pioneer for women who lead in church leadership.   The verse states: â€Å"I commend to you Phoebe our sister who is a servant of the church in Cencherea. That you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many an of myself also.†Ã‚   (The Holy Bible 1619) Some Greek scholars have said that Phoebe was one of the first deacons.   However, the Greek terminology for the word â€Å"servant† in the previous verse means â€Å"minister.†Ã‚   This scripture proves that women are capable of serving in leadership positions within the Christian church. As women take a greater role in today’s church, they will be able to use their positions of authority to remedy some of the social ills that impact America.   A recent report from Norway states that women have played a tremendous role in rearing healthy Christian families.   If these Christian women could devote some of their energies toward developing programs to fight worldwide problems like illiteracy, poverty and AIDS in communities across this country, our nation could alleviate some of these problems.   Wesleyan women like Jennine Fowler were instrumental in the Temperance Crusades, which discouraged communities from overindulging in alcoholic beverages.   â€Å"These women were strengthened by The Holy Spirit, besieged tavern owners and boldly confronted the customers, demanding that they forsake alcohol and turn to God.† (Stanley 72) Reports show that Wesleyan women were also involved in mission work, which consisted of door to door poverty campaigns.   The women who participated in these outreach programs offered financial services as well as practical advice to families who were trapped in poverty.   As our nation embarks upon a new decade in two years, more people will begin to look to a church that has a balanced male and female perspective to pressing problems like gang violence, domestic abuse and joblessness. As more females take greater roles in today’s church, it would eliminate the stigma of sexism that currently exists in the Christian community.   Oftentimes, the messages that come from pulpits across America reflect the voices of male and how they view society.   Thus, the female perspective on issues like childrearing, dealing with sexual temptation and how to help manage healthy households are nonexistent.   Nevertheless, popular television evangelists like Juanita Bynum, Joyce Meyers and Paula White are ministering in a manner that addresses some of these issues and they are inspiring millions of women on a daily basis. Prophetess Juanita Bynum, an African-American female minister, is known as a bold minister who preaches candidly about her experiences with sexual sin and her recent failed marriage to a widely known minister who was accused of physically abusing her.   â€Å"She’s a great speaker and she’s not afraid to deal with hard relevant issues,† says Lesley Powers, who is currently enrolled in a local ministerial training program.   Bynum has preached to large crowds of 52,000 at â€Å"Woman Thou Art Loosed.† a popular conference hosted by successful televangelist T.D. Jakes.   â€Å"All churches especially traditional churches need to deal with issues that Juanita Bynum addresses during her meetings,† Powers adds.   â€Å"God has deposited something in her spirit and she is impacting the body of Christ with it.†Ã‚   Some attribute Bynum’s success with the release of her sermon, which became a book called â€Å"No More Sheets.†Ã‚   The book highlights Bynum’s struggles with sexual promiscuity and encourages women to become celibate until they are married.   â€Å"Many churchgoers say her straightforward message is bringing Christians and unbelievers to repentance,† Powers adds.   To reach more people, Bynum hosted a television program called â€Å"Morning Glory† which was seen on 15 television stations throughout the country. Joyce Meyer, a noted Bible teacher has also gained notoriety since launching her ministry over 20 years ago.   Meyer, who suffered sexual abuse as a child and endured an emotionally abusive first marriage, uses her ministerial platform to instruct people on how to use Biblical principles to be successful in life’s struggles.   She has authored over 70 books and conducts over 20 conferences around the world.   In February 2005, she was selected by time Time Magazine as one the top 25 evangelical leaders in America.   â€Å"Joyce Meyer speaks candidly with a sense of humor.   Its good that she tells the audience about her own shortcomings,† Powers says.   In her recent book, â€Å"The Power of Simple Prayer,† Meyer shows readers how to effectively communicate with God and shares the impact that prayer has on changing hopeless situations. Meyer works well with the public and has an instinct for what the public wants and will respond to them.   Having a financial â€Å"nest† is not especially important to Joyce and she appears to invest more emotional energy into her career or public life than her private life.   (Gaines 37) Paula White, who co-founded mega church, Without Walls, with her ex husband, began to receive national acclaim in the late 90s.   Like Meyer, she was reared in a dysfunctional home in which her father committed suicide and her mother was an alcoholic.   White also claims that caregivers physically and sexually abused her as a teenager.   Nevertheless, her ministry which includes a national television, Paula, and it is broadcast on Trinity Broadcast Network, The Miracle Channel, The Word Network and Daystar Television.   She has also been featured on numerous broadcast television shows like ABC’s 20/20, Benny Hinn’s â€Å"This Is Your Day† and The 700 Club.   â€Å"as   young women early in my Christian experience, I could relate to Paula White because we had some of the same experiences and struggles,† says Powers. Paula White’s story reverberates with men, women and children-from the business executives to the unemployed, from the rich and famous to the impoverished and poverty stricken.   She is a voice for the 21st Century:   a voice for the voiceless, boldly proclaiming a message of hope, truth and wholeness. (Gaines 42) Lastly, when women have a more active role in churches across the country, ancient Biblical prophecy will come to fruition.   In the second chapter of the book of   Acts, the   described the apostle’s experience of receiving the Holy Spirit, which Jesus Christ left to the disciples who believed that He died and was resurrected after three days. After Peter received the Holy Spirit he said, â€Å"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My spirit and your sons and daughters shall prophesy.†Ã‚   (The Holy Bible 1550) This period in which Peter gave this speech marked the birth of the Christian Church after the day of Pentecost when the first believers were filled with The Holy Spirit.   The word â€Å"prophesy† is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as uttering by divine inspiration.   In other words, Peter was saying that men and women would be able to speak messages from God under divine inspiration in the future.   In the Christian church, those who speak under divine inspiration are ministers or leaders.   Thus, Peter foretold a time in which both men and women would serve as leaders in the church.   In addition, Jesus told his disciples after returning to earth subsequent to his death, â€Å"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.   Go the refore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.†Ã‚   Christian leaders need to realize that they have the responsibility of teaching nations in the 20th and 21st century, which have liberated women socially, politically and economic from male oppression.   These nations like the U.S. will not be receptive to messages which continue to keep women in religious bondage. In essence, as women take their rightful leadership roles in today’s church, the Christian community will continue powerful impact on young females as well as other facets of American society.   In the past, Christian women have demonstrated the ability to solve complex social problems.   Furthermore, popular televangelists like Juanita Bynum and Joyce Meyer have proven that women are capable of leading productive ministries that impact millions of people on a daily basis.   And finally, ancient Biblical prophecy foretold a time in which women, who have historically served in the background, would rise to positions of authority in the Christian world.  Ã‚   Thus, as feminist and women’s rights activists carved out a powerful voice for women in our country throughout the 20th century, female ministers will continue to represent the concerns and issues that young and old women face in the future.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Key influences on personal learning processes Essays

Key influences on personal learning processes Essays Key influences on personal learning processes Essay Key influences on personal learning processes Essay This essay will be describing in detail a few of the many different influences that can and do have an effect on learning; some of these have influenced me personally. This essay is like a self analysis looking from the perspective of the learner. It will be looking at the work of some key theorists to support and back up the points. It will also discuss how others can be helped to learn and the effectiveness of doing this. Learning is a process by which we acquire knowledge, skills and an understanding of abstract concepts. You start learning from birth and the learning process continues through formal schooling and even right through to adulthood, they do say you learn something new every day. In everyday life we call our learning informal. Firstly there are some main theories of learning used to understand the way in which individuals learn. From experience the best way of influencing and progressing an individuals learning is to actually know how you learn best, this will be either visually, auditory, kinaesthetically or tactilely. I am an example of a visual learner taking in information best when it has come from something seen like pictures or information in a book, etc. When you know this you can then put it into practice by planning the learning, then actually doing it and finally reflecting on what has been learnt. One of the main theorists associated with learning is Kolb. Kolb looks at the ways adults learn referring to these as cognitive abilities, he says that learning processes begin as instinctive preferences during adolescence. Kolb identified two pairs of opposing factors which, combined together, show learning as a cycle with four different stages of learning. Each stage can be entered at any time but for learning to be effective the stages must be followed in a sequence. As you can see from the diagram the four stages are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. Kolbs learning cycle can be applied to everyday practice. Another important theory is the learning styles theory conducted by Honey and Mumford. They identified ways in which different employees learned and came up with four learning style preferences, reflector, theorist, activist and pragmatist. Honey and Mumford conducted a questionnaire in order to find out peoples preferred learning style/s (see appendix 1 for their questionnaire) Honey and Mumford (1986) stated that the learning style questionnaire is designed to probe the relative strengths of four different learning styles.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Threw and Through

Threw and Through Threw and Through Threw and Through By Maeve Maddox When I read the expression â€Å"through me for a loop† in a recent comment, I can tell you, it threw me for a loop! I decided to cruise the web and see if this version of the expression had become common. It has. Admittedly most of the usage I found occurs in comments to articles, in forums, and on the sites of non-professional writers, but it’s out there: when myspace page came up, it through me for a loop. This question through me for a loop with its emphasis on reflective transfer. something happened yesterday that really through me for a loop. I must admit the appearance of wood through me for a loop. The menu through me for a loop. Since such things are catching, I’ll review the difference between threw and through. The word threw is the simple past of the verb to throw, to propel through the air: throw threw (have) thrown The word through is a preposition used to indicate penetration or passage: The bullet traveled through the vest. The hikers crawled through the low tunnel. To throw someone for a loop is to confuse or shock a person. To knock someone for a loop has the same meaning: The news of her advisor’s death knocked her for a loop. The words threw and through are pronounced alike, but, so far anyway, they have different spellings in standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesHow to Play HQ Words: Cheats, Tips and TricksHow Do You Fare?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Tension between Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Australia Essay

The Tension between Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Australia - Essay Example The Australian Commonwealth of States was set up in response to the need among the people to withstand and oppose the forces of colonialism, as symbolized by the rule of Britain. The authors of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution were Chief Justice Griffith and Justices Barton and OConnor, who had intended that the Constitution of Australia should exist on its own merit and not merely as a British statute. The Australian Commonwealth Act of 1900 has accorded Federal powers to the Commonwealth such that Constitutional control of the Privy Council is retained, while central powers are reduced to their narrowest limits and in this manner, has made it possible for the States to unite under one common umbrella of central defense to proclaim national independence in the future. The Federation of six Australian States was formulated with the knowledge that the Commonwealth and the States were in and of themselves, sovereign states with their own spheres of authority. In formulating the Australian federation, the founders were not anxious to toe the Canadian line which was deemed too centralist and were more inclined to favor the loose administrative style of the American Federation that was more decentralized3. Through this, the Commonwealth was conferred with the powers to maintain the peace and to make laws for peace, order and for the good of the Commonwealth in all the areas that had been designated under Section 51 of the Constitution, whereby the States were permitted to retain all their powers, with the exception of those powers that were wrested away, for the common good of the Commonwealth. Such areas included defense and foreign affairs. Areas not specifically identified under the â€Å"central† jurisdiction are  designated as â€Å"resid ual powers† which in the case of a Federation like Australia are considered to be within the purview of the States, since Australia has a decentralized federal system, unlike Canada that has a centralized federal system of Government.

National Law being non-Codified but following principle of judicial Essay

National Law being non-Codified but following principle of judicial precedent - Essay Example On the other hand, uncodified constitutions, such as that of the UK permit considerable flexibility and scope for amendment or abolition of their contents.2 It has been contended by some scholars that the UK could not entertain a codified constitution, principally due to the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty. However, this stance has been challenged by other scholars, who are firmly convinced that parliamentary sovereignty and a codified constitution can coexist. 3 Precedent in the judicial context tends to deprive the judicial process of flexibility. There is an inordinate dependency on past events, which evolving social and political conditions tend to render irrelevant to the present. Similarly, what is decided under a particular set of circumstances today, would have to be complied with in the future, if a similar set of circumstances were to prevail. This is patently unjust and unreasonable. 5 From the above discussion it becomes very clear that any system based on precedent is not in touch with the contemporary situation. Society and politics are dynamic systems, which keep evolving continuously. Such inexorable and persistent evolution necessitates a flexible approach, which is signally absent in any system based on precedent. This makes a strong case for adopting and implementing a codified constitution in the UK. Blick A, (February 2011) ‘Codifying – or not codifying – the UK constitution: A Literature Review’ accessed 4 September

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Supply and Demand of ETFs in the market Research Paper

Supply and Demand of ETFs in the market - Research Paper Example The market value of an individual ETF through out a single trading day depends on demand and supply for each and every ETF. They follow Index all through, but they act like Equity. ETFs can also be used to refer to those investment companies which are classified as Unit Investment Trusts (UITs) or open ended companies. Exchange-Traded Fund usually experience changes all through the day as they get to be bought and to be purchased. Exchange-Traded Fund does not have net asset value like mutual funds since it trades like a stock. The leading country in the development of ETF is Canada. It creation has roots in Toronto Stock Exchange with Toronto 35 Index Participation Units. The creation of ETFs starts when a professional investor like an investment bank places a whole stock portfolio with a fund manager where they exchange the basket of securities underlying the Index with the provider of ETF for new ETF shares. That is, the professional investor then receives a given quantity of ETF shares in return for the deposit. These shares can then be traded in the exchange market where they can be sold or bought by professional investors or retail from all parts of Europe. Creation units refer to large blocks of ETF shares which usually range from 100,000 to 200,000 shares per unit. The designated or professional investor or brokers usually break these creation units into individual ETF shares which then trade in the stock exchange. The creation and the issuance of ETFs consist of two markets which include the prima ry market which creates the ETFs and the secondary market which buys or sells the ETF units. The creation of ETFs therefore takes place in the primary market between the authorized participants and the fund. â€Å"In kind† creation on the other hand takes place in authorized participants and more so large financial institution. The ETF shares are created by the deposit of portfolio of stocks into the applicable fund, and this is done in

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Origin and Traits of Various Cultures Assignment

The Origin and Traits of Various Cultures - Assignment Example The significance of the events depends on their interpretation, through which they exert a pull on meaning and value. For that reason, history as a discipline is the study of the past. It is through learning history that the events of the past are legitimized by respecting the values and ideas of the people and their objective behind their actions. Therefore, history can be defined as the story of the civilization of mankind, depending on the interpretation of well-established and recognized primary sources.Culture is the characteristics and traits of a meticulous group of people who can be defined by common behaviors, beliefs, social habits, religion, language, cuisine, art, and music. There exist numerous cultures; Western, Eastern, Latin, Middle Eastern and African cultures. The members of each culture have universal characteristics that are common. They form a society, which is an interaction between people who share a common culture. A cultural attachment may be racial, ethnic, gender, values, beliefs, and activities. It is through the culture that individuals and groups get to identify themselves; conforming to that society’s values, beliefs, and traditions. It is evident that culture involves many aspects: customs, language, norms, rules, and more. In today’s world, the term culture seems to lose some of its usefulness because people share resources and interact globally (182). It is unlike the past where people labored and lived in small groups in the same vicinity.  Ã‚  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Market target paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Market target - Research Paper Example Trademark is therefore a name that is much cherished and is given importance by the people who believe in high quality watches, which signify their rich taste and superior class – all represented duly by Trademark. The watch industry has been specifically catered to by giving the audience a taste of supreme class and rich elegance, which are some of the most renowned and sought after attributes that one looks in a watch. Fortunately for Trademark, the owners have always believed in all these finer aspects, and hence the reason that Trademark has been able to manifest its due role within the related scheme of things. The demographics for Trademark include the people who belong to different age segments. These have comprised of the middle class segments within the socio-economic realms as well as the elite class which believes staunchly in class and exuberance more than anything else. This is the reason why Trademark has been instrumental at creating a niche of its own, and is m uch renowned within the market. The brand is a hit within the people from these socio-economic domains, and is easily looked after by both the genders – males and females. It has been able to target people from the age of 18 years up to 75 years. Such is the diversity within the watches of Trademark that it has been able to represent high quality and rich taste amongst all concerned. Trademark’s owners know that they are selling on the quality tangent more than any other factor. This is the reason why Trademark is known to be a ‘killer’ watch amongst the competitors, because it is able to garner quite a lot of fame and recognition due to its sophistication and the value which it brings for its buyers. The people who wear the Trademark brand look famous in their own entirety, and are hailed by people who are near and dear to them. The brand signifies that the person believes in quality and wants to look good within the people where he hangs out or goes (Swe nson 1990). As far as the showroom of Trademark is concerned, it should be opened at such a place where the target audience has ease of visiting the same. They should feel pride in visiting a showroom which is close to their affinity levels. It must represent their likeliness for the area and should most definitely be a suburb within the upscale localities of the city. There must be a proper parking spot dedicated for the people who visit this showroom because the Trademark brand means quality for its buyers, and this can only be manifested by giving them a complete 360 degree package more than anything else. Trademark’s showroom should be at such a location where there is ample room for other showrooms and shops as well. However this could be a bit of an advantage if these showrooms and shops are not selling watches just like the Trademark brand. The exclusivity must come with a price, which indeed Trademark is charging through its customers. The brand has been able to give the best value to its buyers through unique selling models and packages which are tailored to look after the needs and aspirations of the people who wish to buy Trademark for their own selves, family members and friends. It is very important to ascertain what the customer really wants. He requires that the brand should give him the confidence that when he wants to go

Long Term Impact of Parental Divorce Essay Example for Free

Long Term Impact of Parental Divorce Essay This is an interesting study about how divorce can affect adulthood. At the age of sixteen, all students from one town completed a questionnaire. All the students were given a follow up questionnaire at thirty two years of age. Coming from a divorced family affects women more than men. This could be because of the close relationship between mother and daughter. Several studies have showed that parental divorce increases the risk of divorce for offspring. Children that have divorced parents have a lower self-esteem than those who do not. Divorce negatively affects children in the personal and social development in adolescence, which reduces the quality of intimate relationships in adulthood. The reason the quality of intimate relationships are lowered, is because parent-child relationships have been found to play an important role in perceptions of social support in adulthood. Many women have big issues with the trust factor that needs to accompany an intimate relationship. Women are less likely to get married, and the women that do marry are more likely to get divorced. This does not affect boys as much because boys do not need the parent-child relationship as much as girls. If doing a research paper on the topic of social development in adulthood, this would be a good article to get information. The article is a peer reviewed journal, making it a reliable source. The study was also done over a long period of time. It is important for other to see how divorce parents could be having an effect on their social development as an adult. Many women may not see the significant coming from divorced parents maybe affecting their relationships in adulthood. This journal along with other could only give a better look into problems in social development in adulthood.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis Of Multidimensional Data Using Various Methods

Analysis Of Multidimensional Data Using Various Methods Nikhil Deshmukh Abstract Data is exponentially increasing every year, business wants to analyze data more accurately and efficiently. Analyzing huge amounts of data is tedious tasks that involve considerable challenges, commitments and organizational expense. This paper provides an overview of different methods and tools to analyze data in the data warehouse. We will analyze the six dimensional data using both relational database and multidimensional method and compare the performance by calculation using actual data. Keywords- Data Warehouse; Analysis; OLAP; Relational; Multidimensional. Data warehouses contain data consolidated from several databases and are large in magnitude (sometimes in terabytes). Data warehouses are used mainly for decision ssupport applications and provide the summarized data than detailed, individual records for analyzing purpose. Some organizations are using data marts because data warehouse construction is a complicated process. Data marts contain information in the form of subsets for any specific department. On data warehouse and data marts, different data analytical methods can be used. In section II, two methods of data analysis is explained first is conventional query method or using simple SQL and second method is Multidimensional analysis and its different types. In the next section we have shown the incapability of conventional query method by taking the real world example and by comparing the performance of both on the basis of time taken to execute the operation and disk space used. A. Query and Reporting These are data query tools, this type of tool formulate stand alone query and after analyzing statically it gives result in the form of graphs. Such type of tools does not support multidimensional analysis and can execute only simple queries, they do not offer aggregation and consolidation concepts. These tools are optimum to generate request like How many number of articles do we have in the stock [1]. That is why these types of tools are called soft analysis tools. B. Multidimensional analysis In multidimensional database data is stored in the form of array table which allows fast visual representation of accumulated data. Sometimes it is necessary to model data multidimensional for complex analysis and visualization, especially in decision support system. Multidimensional view or structure can be considered as cubes, we can also call it cubes within cubes where each side of the cube is a dimension as shown in the fig (A) [4] To analyze multidimensional data OLAP (On-line analytical processing) is used. Types of OLAP are Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), Relational OLAP (ROLAP), Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) and Spatial OLAP (SOLAP). 1) OLAP: This type of server enables analysts to deep dive into performance through variety of view of the data. It shows multidimensional phase of the business data through different views. OLAP operations include Pivot (change of orientation of the multidimensional view), slice and dice (selection and projection), rollup (increasing or decreasing the aggregation level) along one or more dimensions. Conceptual model of OLAP stress on aggregation as one of the key operation e.g., computing the total production by each state (or by each month) and give the ranking accordingly. Some important characteristics of OLAP is summarization, projected data, fast interactive analysis, multidimensional view, Frequently changing business model and medium to large data sets. [2] 2) MOLAP: Multidimensional OLAP directly supports the multidimensional view of the data through storage engine. This provides very good indexing properties and speed but bad utilization of space, especially in case of sparse data; example is ESSBASE (ARBOR). [4][7] 3) ROLAP: Relational OLAP are the intermediate server sits between backend server and client. It supports multidimensional OLAP query on-the-fly. It utilizes transaction and scalability feature of relational system but mismatch between both queries can create performance issue. [4][6] 4) HOLAP: Combination of MOLAP and ROLAP is HOLAP. ROLAP server gives better performance when data is not very dense and performance of MOLAP improves when data is dense. Many vendors such as Speedware and Microsoft are thus using HOLAP, storing dense regions of the cube using MOLAP and storing the rest using a ROLAP approach [3]. 5) SOLAP: This is the category of OLAP which explores the data related to space (spatial data).SOLAP integrates concept from Geographic information system (GIS) and OLAP. It is a visual platform built especially to support fast and convenient temporal analysis and analysis of data following a multidimensional approach consist of different aggregations levels available in the form of graph and tabular display. [5] To illustrate we will take 6 dimensional business model of Beverage Company. The relational schema consists of a Fact table and one table per dimension. It contains one row for each Channel (6 members), Product (1500), Market (100), Time (17), Scenario (8) and Measures (50). A simple OLAP scenario in which we need to get the actual profit and compare with the budget.[8] A. Relational Approach The number of rows in fact table is = product of dimensions =122 million, with 80 % sparsity no of rows is 24 million. If we assume 4k block size total size id 17 GB including joins. To retrieve variance between actual and budget 6 ways joins and 17 I/O will be used which will take approximate 237 hours of I/O time. This process should be repeated for all the values, It is clearly impractical to do this with relational approach.[8] B. Multidimensional Approach We will use the same model with Multidimensional database such as ESSBASE. In the Beverage company example a block will consist of time*scenario*measure*8 bytes per cell = 55k with 80% sparsity block size will be 10 GB. 55k with 80% sparsity block size will be 10 GB.s C. Comparison Table -1: Performance comparison between relational and multidimensional approach [8] Relational approach Multidimensional approach Improvement in performance Disk Space (GB) 17 10.2 1.7 The calculation of variance (Hours) 237 2 110 After calculation on 6 dimensional business model using both the approaches it can be concluded that conventional relational data base approach takes more time and disk space than multidimensional approach. It is not feasible for relational approach where requirement is complex and many dimensions have been used because of the high operating cost of processing different joins and restriction across huge number of tables. In such cases multidimensional approach should be used, Query tools can only be used in case of simple database requirements. In this paper we also looked up at the different types of multidimensional analysis methods. References       M.-P. Nachouki, V. Lambert, R. Lehn, Data warehousing tools architecture: from multidimensional analysis to data mining, vol. 00, no. , pp. 636, 1997 Surajit Chaudhuri, Umeshwar Dayal, An overview of data warehousing and OLAP technology ACM SIGMOD Record: Volume 26 Issue 1, March 1997 Kaser, Owen, Lemire, Daniel, Attribute value recording for efficient Hybrid OLAP, Information Sciences, 2006, Volume 176, Issue 16 S. Chaudhuri; U. Dayal; V. Ganti, Database technology for decision support systems IEEE Year: 2001, Volume: 34, Issue: 12 Rosa Matias; Joao Moura-Pires Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing (SOLAP): A Tool the to Analyze the Emission of Pollutants in Industrial Installations portuguese conference on artificial intelligence 2005 Agrawal S. On the Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates Proc. of VLDB Conf., 1996. S. Sarawagi, User Adaptive Exploration of OLAP Data Cubes, Proc. VLDB Conf., Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2000, pp. 307-316. George Colliat, OLAP, relational, and multidimensional database systems,ACM SIGMOD Record: Volume 25 Issue 3, Sept. 1996

the surreal world :: essays research papers fc

Art comes in many different shapes and sizes. From drawing on a desk in high school to digital art on computers, we don’t notice that art surrounds us everywhere. However, there is one particular art form that is gaining interest throughout the world, and has been around for years. This art form is known as Surrealism. Surrealism is the only form of art that truly lets you express your mind the way you want it to be expressed, with no limits or boundaries. In Surrealism, there is no gravity, words flow like water, objects can fly in the limitless skies, and images can swim. Basically, Surrealism has no rules; it is only the artist and his mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Around the early 1900’s, soon after the First World War, a man by the name of Tristan Tzara disliked the idea of war, and was disgusted by what happened and why World War 1 started. Tzara thought that a society that creates such chaos as war does not deserve art. However, his attempt to humiliate the new commercial world did not go the way he planned. His anti-art became art. The new chaotic, rebellious images became the status quo. This was known as the Dada Movement. The Dada movement slowly faded into thin air, as a group of artists thought the Dada Movement destroyed the gift of what centuries of artists have learned and passed on about the craft of art. This is when the Surrealist Movement began.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surrealism, the movement in literature and fine arts, was established by a French poet by the name of Andre Breton. The goal of this movement was to emphasize the unconscious mind in a creative way. It was to express the unconscious mind in a more orderly and serious manner. There are two groups of surrealists that formed throughout this movement. One of the groups is the Automatists. Automatists indulged in a more creative manner, they thought of their art as meaningless. This is not to say they didn’t care about their art, but they simply did not have a definition of what they created. They believed that is was automatic the way images from the subconscious reached the conscious.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other group of Surrealist are known as the Veristic Surrealists. The Veristics simply were almost the same as the Automatists. Except, the Veristics saw meaning in their work. The Veristics thought of their artwork as a metaphor for an inner reality. the surreal world :: essays research papers fc Art comes in many different shapes and sizes. From drawing on a desk in high school to digital art on computers, we don’t notice that art surrounds us everywhere. However, there is one particular art form that is gaining interest throughout the world, and has been around for years. This art form is known as Surrealism. Surrealism is the only form of art that truly lets you express your mind the way you want it to be expressed, with no limits or boundaries. In Surrealism, there is no gravity, words flow like water, objects can fly in the limitless skies, and images can swim. Basically, Surrealism has no rules; it is only the artist and his mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Around the early 1900’s, soon after the First World War, a man by the name of Tristan Tzara disliked the idea of war, and was disgusted by what happened and why World War 1 started. Tzara thought that a society that creates such chaos as war does not deserve art. However, his attempt to humiliate the new commercial world did not go the way he planned. His anti-art became art. The new chaotic, rebellious images became the status quo. This was known as the Dada Movement. The Dada movement slowly faded into thin air, as a group of artists thought the Dada Movement destroyed the gift of what centuries of artists have learned and passed on about the craft of art. This is when the Surrealist Movement began.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surrealism, the movement in literature and fine arts, was established by a French poet by the name of Andre Breton. The goal of this movement was to emphasize the unconscious mind in a creative way. It was to express the unconscious mind in a more orderly and serious manner. There are two groups of surrealists that formed throughout this movement. One of the groups is the Automatists. Automatists indulged in a more creative manner, they thought of their art as meaningless. This is not to say they didn’t care about their art, but they simply did not have a definition of what they created. They believed that is was automatic the way images from the subconscious reached the conscious.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other group of Surrealist are known as the Veristic Surrealists. The Veristics simply were almost the same as the Automatists. Except, the Veristics saw meaning in their work. The Veristics thought of their artwork as a metaphor for an inner reality.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Woman’s Search for Identity in Hurston’s Seraph on the Suwanee and Thei

Woman’s Search for Identity in Hurston’s Seraph on the Suwanee and Their Eyes Were Watching God. The main female characters of Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Seraph on the Suwanee, move from oppression to liberation throughout the course of the novel. Their journey to find their own â€Å"niche† in life occurs via their relationships with men. For Janie, her relationships with dominant male figures stifle her identity as well as her ability to achieve self-actualization. For Arvay Meserve, her personal background and relationship with her authoritarian husband cause miscommunication and thus prevent her from personal growth and awareness. In both cases, a hurricane is the mechanism through which both women find their identities and place in life. Janie’s previous husbands—Logan and Joe—and Arvay’s husband, Jim Meserve, â€Å"sometimes play more the role of substitute parent than that of a husband† (Roark 207). Clearly, this type of relationship impedes one’s self-actualization (including the recognition of one’s personal desires and aspirations). While a father figure is completely...

The Euthanasia Debate

Euthanasia is the practice of voluntarily ending a life to relieve pain and suffering (Euthanasia. com/definitions). The act of euthanasia differs from the act of murder in that the person who will die makes the decision to end their life. In the case of murder, the person does not wish to end their life, but anther person intervenes to bring about their death against their wishes. Euthanasia is categorized as active and passive (Euthanasia. com/definitions). Passive euthanasia means failure to provide life prolonging medical treatment and letting a disease take its natural course without intervention. Active euthanasia means to take measures to end a person’s life (Euthanasia. com/definitions). When the topic of euthanasia is discussed, active euthanasia is typically to what is being referred to. The debate over whether euthanasia, particularly physician assisted suicide, is acceptable is a debate of global concern. Both sides of this debate have clearly defined positions. One side feels that assisted suicide is a form of mercy killing, and under certain conditions patients have a right to assisted suicide if it is their wish. However, others clearly oppose euthanasia, claiming that regardless of the circumstances, to end someone’s life early is wrong. The following will explore both sides of the euthanasia debate. Proponents The Netherlands and Switzerland were the first countries to legalize assisted suicide for those that were suffering from a painful or deadly disease (Pollard). The issue is hotly debated, and jurisdictions around the world switch back and forth continually on the issue. On the pro side of euthanasia, it is recognized as a right of the terminally ill in order to end their suffering. It is considered to be a basic human right to die with dignity (Maisie). Proponents of the right to euthanasia propose that the right to die is a natural extension of a person’s right to make their own decisions on any other topic regarding their (Maisie). The concept that a person has a right to decide whether their life has value to them or not is considered to be a basic human right (Maisie). The right to take one’s own life by suicide is considered to be unacceptable in many cultures, therefore it is looked down upon as culturally unacceptable. However, suicide differs from euthanasia in that a person does not have a condition that would shorten their life, or place them in unbearable pain that is not expected to cease (Euthanasia. com/reasonsforeuthansia). People who commit suicide would have hope for a better quality life if they receive help (St. Clair, 2009). Those who consider euthanasia are exercising their right to end their own suffering. Doctors are at the center of the euthanasia debate. They are in a position where they have an oath to do no harm. Preserving a life of suffering against the wishes of the patient, or ending that life can both be considered doing harm (St. Clair, 2009). Patients have the right to refuse any medical treatment that is against their wishes (Maisie). It is considered to be contradictory to disallow them the ability to end their life in order to end suffering (Maisie). Many of those who support euthanasia do so on the basis of preserving human rights and dignity. Opponents However, those that oppose the right to die do so based on fears that it might be abused, and become a form of legalized murder (Maise). Concerns arise over legal heirs who might promote euthanasia for financial gain, or perhaps doctors who would hasten a death in order to receive an organ transplant (Maise). Opponents bring up many scenarios that would make the bioethics surround the issue even more difficult to resolve. For instance, would a mental illness be considered sufficient emotional pain to justify euthanasia, or would the person be considered to be incapable of making a rational decision in this regard (Hershey)? There are many such issues that weigh into the decision of whether to consider euthanasia to be a reasonable course of action. How to assess whether a person is actually competent to make their own decision when they are under the influence of heavy pain medication is another issue in the euthanasia debate (Hershey). The arguments by both proponents and opponents are largely hypothetical. The circumstances of each case make it difficult to generalize and create effective policy regarding the issue. Both sides have valid points. The arguments of both proponents and opponents are supported by hypothetical situations and scenarios that have come into existence. This makes the issues surrounding the development of uniform legal and moral policies about euthanasia so difficult because of the many different circumstances. The issues surrounding euthanasia are highly emotional and highly personal. In conclusion, the central debate that is at the heart of the euthanasia issue can be reduced to that of human rights. If the person decides to end their life and they have no hope of recovery, then the question shifts from care to whether or not they have a right to end their own life. They have a right to make other medical decisions about their own care, and they have the right to determine if they wish to be resuscitated if they should go into cardiac arrest (Patients Rights Council). They can make a living will and determine if they wish to have life-saving or even life-preserving measures should they become brain dead (Patients Rights Coucil). However, the issues regarding assisted euthanasia are complex and both sides viciously defend their position.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Digital Economy

In recent years there has been a greater interest in a â€Å"digital economy†. This new economy is surviving and doing well, despite the fact that there has been a decrease in IT investing in the last two years. Even with the decrease, IT is still going strong. This decrease, which occurred only recently, followed on the heels of a huge boon in IT activity and investment during the 1990's (Price, 2002). The idea of a digital economy is not new. It has been dreamed about for years. The problem was that technology had not advanced far enough to make the digital economy a reality yet. Now that it has, the IT sector is moving forward in an effect to change the economy of the entire world into a digital economy filled with technology and e-commerce, which will offer great convenience and also great speed when doing business on virtually any level from the simple consumer purchase to the large, multi-billion dollar corporate deal. There are several important characteristics of a digital economy. First, the physical movement of people, things, money, etc. , will not be needed. Everything that needs to be done will be done electronically. There will also be an urgent, rapid globalization of economic activity (Ministry, 1997). In other words, the way that business is done will change completely. Some of that is already being experienced in the way that many people now shop online for items and have them delivered directly to the intended recipients, instead of waiting around in long lines in crowded stores, only to find out that the store is out of whatever it is the person wanted anyway. Digital economy will stop all of that, and it will do much more. That is just a small and simple example. There are, of course, much larger ramifications for businesses that deal with a great deal of money, time, and manpower all over the world every day. Second, contracts and other means of securing and sealing business deals will all be done electronically (Ministry, 1997). There is a concern about this, however, because many people are not comfortable today with even doing simple things like giving their credit card number to an online company to pay for a purchase. Clearly, many advanced safety and security measures will be required before all businesses will feel comfortable receiving a contract or proposal that is electronic instead of in writing. Third, the basis of the digital economy, IT, will continue to grow and expand very rapidly. This will result in many changes in economic activities. Economic rules will need to be created and updated at a very rapid pace so as to keep up with competitors and not get left behind in the information age (Ministry, 1997). People who make the rules and regulations for electronic commerce and IT will have their work cut out for them in this new digital economy. There will be a need for many more rules than the traditional economy has, because of the delicacy of electronic transmissions and the potential for ‘hackers' to get into a computer system and get a hold of sensitive information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and social security information, among other things. Fourth, and finally, the digital economy will make its way to everyone (Ministry, 1997). Even people who do not own a computer now will find themselves caught and pulled into this changing economy. Some people will resist this change because they are concerned about security, or simply because they do not like the way the world and the idea of commerce is changing. Especially people who have been around since the days of walking down to the corner store to get some penny candy. While it may be difficult to convince everyone, especially the older generation, that e-commerce and the digital economy are good things, it must be done because the digital economy is coming. The digital economy came about slowly, as people looked for new and better ways to do things. As IT expanded, it brought with it change, and a renewed interest in what human beings could accomplish if they simply put themselves to the task at hand. Because human beings decided to find out, technology began to grow at a very rapid rate. Now, it is not that technology is changing so fast, it is just that many different components of it are changing all at once (Harris, 2002). As for the power behind the changes, much of that has come from entrepreneurs and other businesspeople that want to see things work better, faster, and smoother. They are also interested in the most possible profit they can get, which causes them to be interested in any kind of cost-effective technology that can help them reach that goal. The more work that entrepreneurs were willing to do to help themselves, the more they also urged technology forward (Harris, 2002). While the IT sector is not officially in control of the global economy yet, it soon will be (Brotman, 2001). Technology is advancing so rapidly that there is no reason to expect it to suddenly stop, or stranger yet, disappear. Because technology has come so far, businesses must go along with it. They will be left behind if they do not take an interest in technology and the digital economy now. Technology and e-commerce are fast becoming the way that people do business. This trend will only continue and will be very difficult to ignore in the next few years. Without taking action now, businesses will be struggling when all of their competitors have the digital and economic advantage. The outlook is very good for the digital economy. The main reason that this new form of business will do so well is because it is based on a form of business that works and has been around for a long time (Sahlman, 1999). While some people, especially in the United States government, are panicky and concerned about an economic crash, many people are coming to the realization that not only is the digital economy on a sound footing, but it is also going to be here. It is around to stay, and the concerns of the government are not going to make it go away (Sahlman, 1999). The digital economy will work because it has fewer barriers to trading and dealing with other countries than the traditional business methods. It will work because it is built on a solid foundation of good business ideas and planning. Most of all, it will work because people want it to. They believe in it and they will see that the digital economy goes forward, no matter what the cost. The digital economy has not quite made it around the globe yet, nor has it accomplished everything it wants to accomplish, but it is still in its infancy. When it finally makes it around the globe and insinuates itself into every transaction that is made, however small that transaction may be, every business transaction will be faster, easier, safer, and more convenient than ever before. That is something that many businesspeople all around the world are looking forward to. So are consumers. No more lines, no more hassles; just the ability to get business done and have the time to go on to something else. All of this has come about because of information systems and computing. Information systems and computing have become more widespread in many organizations throughout the last 15 years and the amount of this has deepened and infiltrated almost every level of organizations (Adams & Sasse, 1999). Some of this has to do with the fact that personal computers have become more powerful and increasingly less expensive (Adams & Sasse, 1999). This has created the ability to have computing power and management information systems tested and placed into the hands of many more individuals throughout various organizations, and this includes the government (Adams & Sasse, 1999). How computers are used and the nature of what they are needed for has also changed recently because computers have come into many more homes (Adams & Sasse, 1999). Much of this comes from extending computers from the workplace into home life (Adams & Sasse, 1999). Some of it also comes from laptop computers and how they have become so important for individuals that travel and need to take their work with them so that they will be able to check e-mail and exchange messages no matter where they are (Adams & Sasse, 1999). Because of all the changes in the nature of computing their use has continued to speed up and spread out to more and more individuals (Adams & Sasse, 1999). Many of these are linked to various organizations or they have specific networks that they are linked into which allows them to do more things. The Internet has also become extremely important because people all over the world can work with each other through a computer and this avoids many of the long distance phone calls, business trips, and other issues that would normally have to be dealt with when dealing with a client or customer overseas (Adams & Sasse, 1999). Much of the use of computers within the public sector and the government is growing very strongly. One study that was conducted regarding state governments indicated that, in general, all states on average were spending over 3 percent of the budget that they had for their executive branch on the management of information resources and computer use (Adams & Sasse, 1999). For all of the 50 states in this country this would come to a combined total of $19. billion (Adams & Sasse, 1999). This particular study was taken in 1989 and estimates indicated that by 1993 the number would be $52. 6 billion (Adams & Sasse, 1999). This would be much higher today. That same study also examined the type of computer use that was dealt with in county governments because their budgets are often smaller than states. An estimate taken in 1992 indicated that county governments throughout the United States were spending approximately $23. 8 billion on management information systems which amounted to over 17 percent of the operating budgets that they had (Adams & Sasse, 1999). Business strategy and IT strategy are often very closely interlinked, especially in today's global and technologically advanced society. However, the selection of information systems is not always appropriate for the business at hand, and when the strategy and information systems do not mix, it can be disastrous. One business involved itself in the business-to-business (B2B) context. B2B is where marketplaces are created so that sellers and buyers can come together more easily, which helps to improve efficiency, liquidity, and other factors (Putting, 2002). The B2B exchange generally did not do well after a very short time of prosperity, and many people believed that the whole concept was flawed, but it appears that the way the concept was executed and not the concept itself was where the problem actually was. In other words, it was not the idea of a B2B exchange, but rather the strategy that the companies used, that caused the problems for many of these companies. The strategy of the B2B idea was the main problem with the concept. The problem largely revolved around the issue that both suppliers and buyers were needed, but the suppliers would not congregate if there were no buyers and the buyers were not interested if there were no suppliers (Putting, 2002). In other words, both groups had to be present but which group would get there first and how to get both groups there together so that everyone would be interested because a large problem. This problem was one of strategy, as the concept of B2B was strong but it was not well planned-out. In hind-sight, the B2B concept would have worked much better if companies had understood it better before they agreed to it. They did not really understand the concept clearly, and this is part of the reason that there was so much trouble getting both suppliers and buyers to come together at the same time so that they would be able to do business which each other more easily. There were also other reasons that the concept did not do well, and these included the idea that suppliers feared the direct comparison that they felt they would be subjected to and would cut into their margins, as well as the lack of interest between buyers and sellers both in paying any kind of transaction fees for what they felt was a very simple and inexpensive process of matchmaking (Putting, 2002). Another problem with the strategy, and the way that it ties into the IT issue, is that the buyers and sellers market that the B2B concept was attempting to create was begun before the computing and software abilities were in place to allow such a thing (Putting, 2002). It is quite likely in the future, however, that software will be created that will allow for the B2B concept to work the way that it was designed to work. This does not mean, though, that the B2B concept is one that will be revived, simply because the technology is there. It may be something that has already had its time and will not be coming back, regardless of what kind of effort is made to revive it. However, the B2B concept has now gone in a different direction and it may be headed in the right direction finally. Instead of working toward exchanging things, the B2B companies now are more interested in software and various solutions that can help others with e-business efficiencies and business processes (Putting, 2002). By doing this, the B2B companies will be able to build their businesses by getting one customer at a time instead of trying to build all of the marketplace that does not have any customers (Putting, 2002). In a related area, an industrial group that consisted of manufacturers of tools that are designed for the automobile industry collaborated to create a computing environment but they were ahead of their time by as much as two years (Worthen, 2001). Because of that, there was no real way to integrate the systems that they created and many of the employees were afraid that there would be layoffs because the money that was spent – 4 million dollars – would not be allocated for something else and was basically wasted when the integration did not take place as planned (Worthen, 2001). This is another case of taking the IT strategy and the business strategy as separate entities, when they really should have been dealt with together to avoid the problems that the group of manufacturers faced. Although the message is getting across to other companies about what these manufacturers can do and provide, there are still problems with any kind of integration, and this is costing these companies both money and reputation, both of which could be very harmful if too much of them is lost. In both of these cases just discussed, there were problems with the strategy formulation and implementation, as well as the strategic process itself. In other words, there were strategic challenges that were not examined and thoroughly accounted for before the implementation was begun. By far the largest strategic challenge that is facing marketers today is that of globalization (Shaw, 1999). In the next 10 years the global marketplace will continue to grow and as it does marketers must work harder and smarter to come up with new ways to keep their marketing and advertising campaign appealing to the largest number of people possible (Shaw, 1999). This can be somewhat difficult, because globalization means the drawing together of many different cultures and beliefs, which represents a strong and worthy challenge for those that market a product, business, or service to various countries. In a B2B context, these people from all over the world must be able to work together, and this can be very difficult when cultural, language, and other barriers get in the way, and when the strategy has not been carefully planned out. Possibly the most significant issue when it comes to strategy is that of standardization – the product or service must be standardized enough that it will work well for all customers – which is something that many of these companies do not consider before they implement B2B ideas that relate strongly to IT. One of the main problems with looking at this is the evidence that many business managers do not clearly understand what standardization is and therefore the responses that they give when indicating to marketers what they actually want may represent a strong desire to protect their self interests (Onkvisit & Shaw, 1994). When they do this, marketers must be careful to make a determination as to whether these business managers really want to market in the way that they are indicating or whether there are other factors that the managers must be made to understand before successful marketing campaigns can take place (Onkvisit & Shaw, 1994). Studies that have been done into this issue also failed to address whether there were specific approaches to marketing and advertising products that are seen to be more effective (Shaw, 1999). There are lessons to be learned from this, however, besides the obvious need for standardization. Other lessons include the fact that marketing something new can be very difficult and the companies that wish to work in a B2B context must expect that they will have a difficult time convincing others of the worth of what they are doing. Also significant is the idea that IT cannot always keep up with what these companies want to do, and the business strategy must tie into the IT strategy. If the two are not compatible, there will be a great deal of trouble and a lot of money lost, which many businesses certainly cannot afford. All of this is causing a great deal of organizational change in many businesses. Organizational change is necessary and important and various aspects of change management must be dealt with by these businesses. These include the resistance to change from management and employees, as well as how to facilitate and implement the process of change. Evaluating effectiveness is also important. Change is a reaction to the environment in which one must compete. Because technology is evolving so fast this environment has become fluid and some have difficulty adapting to it. However, today's business environment demands it. Change also presents challenges, and organizations must use these as a platform to build on and learn to welcome the changes that are taking place. Much of this change comes from external forces such as technology, economics, or regulations and laws that have been changed. This is quite often in the form of computers. However, the fact that laws and regulations change so quickly also has significant impact on organizations. Another area of change is from internal forces and these often deal with problems with processes or behaviors. The design of organizations must continue to change to adjust to new technology and consumer demands and this can have a significant impact on the decisions made by human resources. Organizational change deals with things that encompass the entire organization rather than a specific individual or department. Making employees aware of the necessary changes in advance of them occurring can make the transition easier and make individuals more flexible about changing. Sometimes individuals can bring different perspectives to the situation and these change agents can often help to create more of a catalyst for change in an organization. Training employees becomes high priority for organizations that are undergoing change and utilizing teams for this so that the timing and scope are right can become one of the most significant things that companies can do to ensure that change takes place properly and with the least amount of difficulty. Information systems can be quite helpful for this, but only if they are correctly utilized. There are many different ways to look at telecommuting. Depending on the country one comes from, there are conflicting opinions on exactly what the word means, and the same is true of ‘telework,' which has also been used to mean roughly the same thing as telecommuting. Some people define telecommuting as an arrangement that allows employees to carry out their work at a location away from the conventional office, either in the employee's home, satellite offices, or neighborhood work centers (Qvortrup, 1998). Still others define teleworking as a way of working using information and communication technologies in which work is carried out independent of location (Harris, 1998). There are four main ways in which people can telework. Firstly the employees can work from home, liaising with the office by using phone, email, or fax (Nilles, 1996). The second way could be when the employees split the time between home and office (Nilles, 1996). Thirdly there are certain types of employees, for example sales people, journalists, etc. who carry out their work while they are on the move (Nilles, 1996). Fourthly, there is an arrangement called the tele-cottage, which provides neighborhood centers with shared computers and communications resources for the office workers (Nilles, 1996). Teleworking can also be defined as performing job related work at a site away from the office, then electronically transferring the results to the office or another location (Nilles, 1996). During the 1970s and 1980s, telework in Europe was often termed as ‘Electronic Homework' and was either based on full time contract or on a freelance relationship with the employer (Nilles, 1996). It has been suggested that an adequate definition of teleworking should include three variables: the location of work, the use of electronic equipment, and the existence of a communications link to the employer or contractor (Nilles, 1996). It is work which relies primarily or to a large extent on the use of electronic equipment, the results of which work are communicated remotely to the employer or contractor. The remote communications link need not be a direct telecommunications link but could include the use of mail or courier services (Nilles, 1996). The word ‘Teleworking' together with various pseudonyms such as telecommuting, networking, flexi place or the electronic cottage, has been used to describe various types of work. The term teleworking has also been divided into three sub-categories in order to specify the many different modes of telework which can be found today (Nilles, 1996). The three sub categories included Electronic Homework, Telecommuting, and Flexi Place (Nilles, 1996). This can be defined as working at home and delivering the work directly to an external customer using some form of telecommunication. Telecommuting is working away from the work place. (i. e from home or on travel, and communicating with the employer with the assistance of computers and some mode of telecommunication) (Nilles, 1996). The Internet these days is a common mode of communication used for this purpose. Flexi place involves no defined location of work. A person on flexi place uses his computer and telecommunication device while working on the move (Nilles, 1996). This often involves the Internet, and this can be dangerous, as many people are not aware of cyber ethics, or the ethical issues that pertain to Internet usage. It is very important that adults and children alike utilize information that deals with cyber ethics so that they are more aware of how to handle problems that may arise (Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996). Many of these people are not aware of how to use the Internet ethically and responsibly and because of this they often do things that are detrimental to themselves or others without actually realizing it (Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996). Within the last decade or so there have been numerous incidence of hacking that have involved young individuals and have received strong public attention (Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996). EBay, Yahoo, CNN, and other various sites were attacked not all that long ago and viruses have apparently run rampant on the Internet in recent months and years. They are very strong reminders of the great deal of damage that young individuals can cause when they decide to ignore cyber ethics and see how much fun they can have instead. According to recent information it appears that computer hackers and viruses cost businesses globally over $1. 5 trillion during the year 2000. All signs point toward a problem that is continuing to grow because young individuals do not view hacking as something that is actually dangerous (Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996). Unless there is a very strong shift in the way these young people are looking at this issue the problem will only continue and will likely get worse. A poll taken of almost 50,000 students in middle and elementary schools revealed that almost 50 percent of them did not see computer hacking as any type of a crime (Friedman & Nissenbaum, 1996). Citizenship is very important not just in the world but on the Internet as well and it seems that adults have really got to begin to take more responsibility for teaching children about cyber ethics (Elgesen, 1996). Information technology is somewhat wild at the moment because it is still relatively new and taming it down with responsible and ethical use and guidelines must be done. The best way to do this is by teaching a curriculum of cyber ethics that will began in either preschool or kindergarten and will continue with the students all the way up through their schooling (Elgesen, 1996). This will show not only how to use the technology appropriately but how to look for content and what all should be done to ensure that people are utilizing the Internet logically and safely. Various professional development courses that deal with educators and campaigns that are designed for awareness in communities are also needed in order to help educate many adults about the responsibilities they have when they use computers (Elgesen, 1996). Quite often adults reward or glamorize young hackers even if they do not really realize that this is what they are doing (Elgesen, 1996). The technical abilities that these children have are very impressive but the behaviors that they utilize them for are completely inappropriate for society (Elgesen, 1996). It is very important to begin teaching decision-making skills that are ethical to young individuals with their first exposure to technology. This is largely one of the ways that unethical behaviors and technology crimes can be avoided or at least may be minimalized (Gorniak-Kockowska, 1996). If individuals wait until students reach the workplace to try to teach them proper cyber ethics it will be way too late because ethics and morality is often developed in young individuals by the time they are 10 to 12 years of age (Gorniak-Kockowska, 1996). Technology is very important to help individuals work toward a better world but if cyber ethics are not addressed very soon it is quite likely that technology will then not flourish the way that it was designed to but instead will be fraught with problems and complications that will only make things more difficult. Although teaching cyber ethics is very important, most individuals surveyed recently indicate that parents should be the ones to teach children about copyrighted material instead of allowing it to happen in school (Introna, 1997). These same parents should also teach their children about the rest of cyber ethics and how important they are. Because children use computers so much at schools and because they also have Internet access through these schools it is becoming increasingly more important that teachers and parents both take a very active role in teaching not only safe computer use but cyber ethics as well, so that this lesson is learned well before these children grow up and enter the business world (Introna, 1997). Surveys taken of many adults still confirm that most of these individuals believe it acceptable to download copies of works that are copyrighted even if they are not authorized to do so (Introna, 1997). Intellectual property on the Internet should be respected as well (Introna, 1997). By emphasizing this to the nation's young individuals and to their parents perhaps more respect will be gained at home and also in schools, making it easier for the workplaces around the country (Introna, 1997). Teachers and parents should begin to work together to ensure that young people throughout the country are only using computers and the Internet for good intentions and are respecting what they find online instead of downloading unauthorized copies (Introna, 1997). The issue of cyber ethics is changing very rapidly because technology is growing and changing as well. One of the problems with it is that the definition of it can be very broad or very narrow and this often makes it difficult for individuals to actually determine what cyber ethics means and what it means for them specifically. In other words, some of them see it as not utilizing the computer to hurt anyone else but others see it as being much more than that by ensuring that copyrighted material and other issues are kept protected (Introna, 1997). When computers first were created there was nothing known as computer ethics because the Internet and other things which could cause individuals to find a great deal of copyrighted material and other intellectual property online was not available (Introna, 1997). Computers were seen as a tool, and not seen as something that could be utilized to harm others or cause problems for various individuals throughout the country or throughout the world. However, it did not take society long to realize that harm could come to people and their property over the Internet. Efforts have been made to stop this kind of behavior and protect copyrighted material, but the effectiveness of these measures is questionable.

Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes Rene Descartes was a brilliant man. His works on philosophy, physics and mathematics are still heavily influenced much to all of these studies today in our modern world. Descartes was born in March 31, 1596 in La Haye, France; he was named after one of his godfathers, Rene Bruchard des Funtaines. Descartes parents were Joachim and Jeanne Descartes, he also had one brother and one sister and two half siblings. Growing up Descartes had health issues â€Å"infirmity of the lungs, (Rene Descartes). When he was enrolled in school around eight years of age at Jesuit college La Fleche in Anjou he had permission to wake up at eleven in the morning instead of earlier like all the other school kids, in regards to his fragile health. Descartes kept this daily routine for almost the rest of his life he believed that, â€Å"the only way to good work in mathematics and to preserve his health was never to allow anyone to make him get up in the morning before he felt inclined to do so; an opinion which I chronicle for the benefit of any schoolboy into whose hands this work may fall, (A Short Account of the History of Mathematics’). Descartes left school at around 1912 and they began to study law at Poiters, and graduated with honors for his degree and license in law, although he didn’t pursue a law degree. In 1617 Descartes chose to join the army rather than the church; He served in the army of Prince Maurice of Orange and then Breda. He was more of a mercenary for the Catholics and Protestants. One day in late fall of 1618, Descartes was walking around and saw a Dutch placard, which spiked his curiosity; and by luck the person he stopped was Isaac Beckman.Beckman was a highly educated Dutch philosopher; he translated for Descartes in return if Descartes would work out the problem. After a couple of hours passed, intrigued by Descartes, Beckman â€Å"sparked his interest in mathematics and the New Physics, he concluded that his real path in life was the pursuit of true wisdom and science, (17th Century Mathematics-Descartes). † During his leisure time in the army, Descartes studied mathematics; in November 10th-11th, 1619 he had a series of dreams that he believed is one or the most important days of his life.The visions he had were his first ideas of new philosophy and his works of analytical geometry. He continued to serve in the army under his family traditions and influence and was persuaded to volunteer under Count de Bucquoy in the army of Bavaria, and then he resigned his commission in 1621. Descartes traveled throughout parts of Europe for a couple of years still purely giving himself to mathematics in 1628 while residing in France he met Cardinal de Berulle, the founders of the Oratorians. Berulle loved his conversation with Descartes, â€Å"and he encouraged Descartes to devote his life to the study of truth, (Rene Descartes-Biography). For the nest twenty years Descartes lived in seclusion in Holland and made regular trips to France. In the course of time Descartes wrote a piece of his collections, â€Å"Le Monde†, he didn’t want it to be published in that time; because the Catholic church had burnt all of Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632) and him in house arrest. Descartes had lived in fear the same thing could happen to him if he didn’t correspond with the rules. Yet he was book â€Å"Le Monde† was published many years later.Despite not being able to release that book, he did write another book in 1633 and was published in 1937. â€Å"In 1637 Descartes published Optics, Meteorology, and Geometry, a collection of essays. The preface to the collection is titled Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences, (Rene Descartes-Biography). † â€Å"La Geometrie† is what his contribution to mathematics is still used till this day. Before his discovery mathematici ans used capital letters (A,B,C) for known quantities in algebraic notation and unknown quantities were lower case letters (a,b,c).In the â€Å"La Geometrie† he gave his ideas and instead of using capital and lower cases letters, he shifted it to just (a,b,c) as know quantities and (x,y,z) for unknown. In that time he also in verbal expression of exponents such as â€Å"square, cube at etc†, he replaced it with numeral superscripts. Descartes argued that, For the square of a magnitude did not differ from it in kind, as a geometrical square differs from a line, rather, the square the cube and all powers differed from the base quantity only in the number of â€Å"relations† separating them respectively from a common unit quantity.That is since: 1: x=x; x2 =x2: x3=†¦ (Descartes: Mathematics and Physics) Descartes â€Å"rule of signs† a law given for determining whether the number of positive or negative real roots of polynomials â€Å"Descartes’ â€Å"rule of signs† does not give the solution of a polynomial equation, but it does give information on the number of positive and negative roots of the polynomial, (17th Century Mathematics-Descartes). † He also proposed in â€Å"La Geometrie† that each point in a two dimension form can have two numbers on a plane, giving a horizontal and vertical locations; which is known as Cartesian coordinates. He used perpendicular lines (or axes) crossing at a point called the origin, to measure the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) locations, both positive and negative, thus effectively diving the plane into four quadrants, (17th Century Mathematics-Descartes). † With the Cartesian Coordinates, Descartes showed that the x and y axis supported simple equations of straight lines, to more complex coordinates of equations with different exponents. For example y=x2+4 is a curve parabola. Descartes was more famously known as a philosopher giving his two sense in things a nd pursuing to uphold the truth.He continued to keep adding to his collections of writing Meditations, Principia Philosophiae and others. In 1649, Queen Christina of Sweden invited Descartes to live in Stockholm to tutor her in philosophy and she insisted in working with him at 5 in the morning; which he was used. The early hours and the harsh weather affected his health and he died of pneumonia in early 1650. Besides his great deal of being dubbed â€Å"the father of modern day philosophy† Descartes math contributions are value of us today.His idea of the Cartesian coordinate is in our mathematical calculators and the coordinates are what we use in math in almost all grade levels. Without Descartes influence exponents wouldn’t have been as simple, and also being able to determine positive and negative real roots. Descartes believed everything can be related to math and that there was always an answer, even if it was imaginary numbers too. His contributions in all area s of studies helped shaped the modern studies. Rene Descartes was a brilliant man indeed. Works CitedBall, W. W Rouse. ‘ A Short Account of the HIstory of Mathematics' (4th edition). 1908. Biography, Complete Dictionary of Scientific. Descartes: Mathemtics and Physics. 2008. December 2012 . Rodis-Lewis, Genevieve. â€Å"Descartes' lofe and the development of his philosophy. † Cottingham, John. The Cambridge Companion to Descartes. 1992. p 21-58. School, The European Graduate. Rene Descartes-Biography. . Unknown. 17 Century Mathematics-Descartes.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stepping back from my company to become a full-time novelist

Stepping back from my company to become a full-time novelist Stepping Back From My Company To Become a Full-Time Mystery Novelist JD Shiner enjoyed a twenty-eight-year career in the world of wireless data communications and now writes full-time. He is an expert on developing technologies, fiber transmission, firearms, fast cars, and thriller fiction. In this guest post, JD talks about his decision to take a break from the world of telecommunications in order to become a full-time novelist, and shares his advice for other  writers looking to do the same.A goal to write a specific number of words every  dayAlthough I was not able to follow his regimen to the letter, I did take his advice and set myself up on a modified version of it. For instance, Stephen King  states that he likes to write 3,000 words per day. I only wish I could write that many! My goal was 1,000 words per day when I started. Some days I did more, some days less.Self-publishing manuscript #27Never give up. Read a lot. Write a lot. Writing full-time has been extremely challenging. It has also been extremely rewarding. The Caves of Corihor is available on Amazon for Kindle and paperback.Are you a full-time writer? Are you thinking of becoming one? What has the journey of deciding to devote yourself to your craft full-time been like?  Leave your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for JD in the comments below.

Should people have the right to choose to die essays

Should people have the right to choose to die essays Should People Have The Right To Choose To Die? Je vous demande le droit de mourir. I ask the right to die. So went the refrain from Vincent Humbert who for 3 years lay in a hospital bed knowing that he would never walk, see, speak, smell or taste. Yet, he could live into his 80s. His only means of communicating was his right thumb, which he would press into his mothers hand as she recited the alphabet, to spell out words. His family supported his request and his mother campaigned on talk shows and even spoke with the President of France to ask that her son be allowed to die legally. Euthanasia is illegal in France, though historically their justice system has been lenient with cases of mercy killing. Other European countries have legalized euthanasia, but the family could not afford to travel. In 2001, the Netherlands became the 1st country to legalize physician assisted suicide and euthanasia, with Switzerland and Belgium having followed suit. Since the case of Vincent Humbert, Frances National Assembly will now debate a euthanasia law. Oregon is the only state in the U.S. in which euthanasia is legal. Legal requirements are in affect in each of the countries to insure patients rights. Doctors are not supposed to suggest euthanasia as an option and must make a patient aware of all other medical options. A request for euthanasia must be made voluntarily and repeatedly by a patient of sound mind. The doctor-patient relationship must be long term. Written requests for euthanasia at a doctors discretion should a patient become too physically or mentally ill to decide for themselves is also an option. Opponents of euthanasia have a laundry list of complaints. They say patients are shopping for doctors who are sympathetic to their cause and that many of these patients are depressed. They say 80% of euthanasia deaths are not reques...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gettysburg essays

Gettysburg essays By late afternoon, on the 2nd July, 1863, after fierce hand to hand fighting, Major General John B. Hoods 3rd Divisions flanking attack on Big Round Top had been successful. Meade realising the lack of troops on the Round Tops had rushed the 1st Maine to try to thwart Jackson who having let Hood bypass Sickles force in the Peach Orchard caught way out in front of the main Union lines and seize the Top (s). Sickle was outflanked and held by Laws Brigade leaving only the 1st Maine to take the brunt of the killing power of the massed Confederate infantry. Colonel Chamberlain, commanding was killed in the first volley and whatever morale the Union troops retained was soon broken. It was over in less than ten minutes, the remnants of the Federal forces streamed back to the relative safety of their main line on Cemetery Ridge. Hood sent reports of the securing of the Tops to Jackson.ThomasStonewall Jackson had assumed command of the Army of Northern Virginia after Robert E.Lee was wounded by a stray shell late on the afternoon of the 1st. Though not serious, General Lee had shrapnel wounds to both legs and concussion and command had passed to his deputy, Jackson. Jackson sent for Lieutenant-General Longstreet and ordered him to get his artillery onto the Tops and commence bombardment of Meades forces. Cabells Battalion of Artillery is despatched to Big Round Top and commences an immediate cannonade. Alexander has despatched half his cannon to assist and by 7.00pm 67 cannon are belching their deadly breath down on Cemetery Ridge. In the pitch dark lit only by the shell bursts of the Confederate fire the Union troops mill about in panic. Orders are countermandered , duplicated and totally confused as officers try to keep their various charges in check. The casualty toll is becoming horrendous and more and more troops are trying to flee the field. Unfortunately, in the dark they have little sense of dir ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free sample - Participative Leadership. translation missing

Participative Leadership. Participative LeadershipParticipative Leadership The purpose of this paragraph is to analyze Rok’s article â€Å"People and skills Ethical context of the participative leadership model: taking people into account† (2009). In this article, Rok states that participative leadership is a leadership that involves employees across levels of the hierarchy in decision-making. Participatory systems allow employees and external strategy, protects organizational responsiveness, and holds the managers accountable. Rok also states that it is possible for employees to participate, and when they do participate they see the whole system as one with equal opportunities for all, as a system that is more fair (2009, p. 468). Spreitzer claims that Participative Leaders expect from their subordinates to create and implement various decisions. They might seek from employees to participate in making important decisions and to evaluate others’ ideas or points of view. They might show more tolerant behavior to their employees when it comes to differences in the organization, because they know those differences can upgrade and bring better quality to making decisions. (2007, p. 1090). Bainbridge supports Speitzer, claiming that Participative Management style is a style that requires involvement of employees by â€Å"creating formal mechanisms through which employee voices can be heard† (1996, p. 25) by the managers that make decisions and, sometimes, by letting employees to state their opinion in the making of decisions. Participatory style might lead to greater job satisfaction, which, combined with the flexible work rules, results in a greater intensity of effort from that workers are willing to invest when dealing with tasks (1996, p. 25). Kahai also claims that a participative leader would encourage his followers to contribute when the problem-solving situation occur, without instructing any directions on how to approach the task that needs to be solved (et al. 2004, p. 72). Participative Leadership encourages involvement and participation of employees in making decisions related to the work of an organisation. They are more tolerant to opinion-differences and can provide employees with greater job satisfaction. Directive Leadership The purpose of this paragraph is to analyze Kahai’s article â€Å"Effects of Participative and Directive Leadership in Electronic Groups† (2004). In this article, Kahai states that the directive leaders present themselves as the ones in charge during solving problems and provided, and gave the directions to participants. Directive leadership improves performance by supporting participants to focus on relevant aspects of a problem (2004. p. 94). The structure that directive leader provided was relevant for keeping participants focused on relevant aspects of the tasks when the task was less structured (2004, p. 96). Andrews has also suggested that directive leaders make decisions, they allocate resources and direct action of their employees in order for them to complete the task (1998, p. 131). This type of leader can be related to traditional notions of a transactional leader (1998, p. 133). Pearce have stated that this type of leadership relies on power of the position (legitimate power). Directive leaders often use directions, give commands and use intimidation as main mechanisms to control subordinate behavior (2003, p. 275). He has, also, claimed that directive leaders initiated activities within the group, organized their activity, defined how the work has to be done, established clear and precise communication, supports achievement of a goal, assigned tasks to employees, suggested some views to the problems, and coordinated activities of subordinates (2003, p. 277). Directive Leadership excludes employees from decision-making process and determines how the work has to be done. This type of leadership should be preferred when tasks are less structured and when participants need to focus on relevant aspects of a problem. Entrepreneurial Leadership The purpose of this paragraph is to analyze Fl?istad’s article â€Å"Entrepreneurial Leadership† (1991). In this article, Fl?istad states that the entrepreneurial culture is a creative culture, which care about their employees, and this culture recognizes and supports employee's individual capabilities and talents. Instead of deciding what others must do, the task in this less pyramidal, organisation is under the influence of circumstances. Organisation supports employees' active participation in creative processes, and it allows employees to demonstrate and achieve their maximum (1991, p. 30). The group presents itself with several alternative ideas and solutions between which to decide (1991, p. 31). Prabhu suggests entrepreneurial leaders might have a mission that is the social change and development of their client group. These leaders are considered to have high levels of emotional energy, which can be seen in the persistence shown by them. They are capable of withstanding social censure, they are sensitive to feelings of others, can develop clear organisational vision, can develop confidence in employees, can think creatively, and they can work for long periods (1999, p. 142,143).   Peters have stated that entrepreneurial leader has an influence on the way employees evaluate job as finally only they are responsible to motivate employees (2005, p. 576). Ng and Thorpe stated that Entrepreneurial Leadership might be helpful to some organizations to grow and survive under family control (2010, p. 457). Entrepreneurial Leadership is committed welfare of their employees. It recognizes and supports employee's individual capabilities and talents, supports employees' active participation in process of decision-making and encourages employees’ creativity when dealing with tasks. References Andrews, J.P., Field, R.H.G. (1998). Regrounding the concept of leadership. Leadership Organization Development Journal 19/3, pp. 128–136 Bainbridge, S. M. (1996). Participatory Management within a Theory of the Firm. Available at SSRN: Fl?istad, G. (1991). Entrepreneurial Leadership. Leadership Organization Development Journal, Vol. 12 No. 7, 1991, pp. 28-31, Gretchen Spreitzer (2007). â€Å"Participative Organizational Leadership, Empowerment, and Sustainable Peace†, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Volume 28, Issue 8, pages 1077-1095 Kahai,   S.S., Sosik, J.J., Avolio, B.J. (2004). Effects of Participative and Directive Leadership in Electronic Groups. Group Organization Management   29: 67 Ng, W., Thorpe, R. (2010).Not another study of great leaders Entrepreneurial leadership in a mid-sized family firm for its further growth and development. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour Research Vol. 16 No. 5, pp. 457-476 Pearce, C.L., Sims Jr, H.P., Cox, J.F., Ball, B., Schnell, E., Smith, K.A., Trevino, L. (2003). Transactors, transformers and beyond A multi-method development of a theoretical typology of leadership. Journal of Management Development Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 273-307 Peters, M. (2005). Entrepreneurial skills in leadership and human resource management evaluated by apprentices in small tourism businesses. Education à ¾ Training Vol. 47 No. 8/9, 2005 pp. 575-591 Prabhu, G.N. (1999). Social entrepreneurial leadership. Career Development International 4/3, 140–145 Rok, B. (2009). People and skills Ethical context of the participative leadership model: taking people into account. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 9 No. 4 2009, pp. 461-47